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Day 9


Tuesday, December 13 –

I had a very good night’s sleep last night, but it was too short. I went to bed at 10:00, but woke up at 5:30 this morning. I went to breakfast, ate about 2 spoonfuls of the sweet cereal, and two oranges (I am eating a fair amount of fruit here), and most of the piece of cake. I had to report to the chapel for prison orientation at 6:45. They showed a video about sexual harassment and rape, one about preventing the spread of disease and then lots of other short lectures like returning to society, visitation, how things work, opportunities for job training, education, etc., medical, psych, etc. I lasted 3 ½ hours, and then we went to lunch at 10:15. It was pretty good today – baked chicken, sweet potato, and green beans. Fairly tasty. Then came the highlight of the day – calling Kathie, but the conversation was mostly about the fact that she won’t be able to come this weekend, and probably not next weekend, either, since she and the kids haven’t sent in their forms for visitation approval. I was heartbroken when I found out she and Josiah were planning on coming, but definitely won’t be able to, this weekend, and Mr. Nicely says it is not worth coming Christmas weekend since she’ll probably be limited to two hours maximum. He said to wait till the last weekend in December. I am hoping I can come home by then! Well, I can hope and pray and believe!

I then basically spent the rest of the day reading my Bible, reading the two books I’m reading, and now, World Magazine, which I finally got today along with other magazines I sent myself from home. I found out I have 14 days left until my calling rolls over on Dec. 28, but I still have 370 minutes left, which means I have 26, 15 minute calls and one 10 minute call until then. “J” is setting up a local number for me, which means each person I call will be assigned a local number, which will be relayed. Instead of $3.30, it’ll cost only about $0.90 to make a 15-minute call. I just have to wait till I get at least 6 numbers to add, which William is sending tonight. Anyway, I should have an extra 10 15 minute calls and one 10 minute calls left this month. Yeah! “S” brought me one of the “health” bars I saw CC make the other morning this afternoon. It was really, really good. I told “J” when he came in the room and I was eating it, and he went and bought me two more (each costs 2 stamps, which have a value of $0.60). I am so grateful nobody said anything about me moving out of my room today, praise the Lord!

There is this man, who is kind of frail, I think he appears close to 80, who always waits for chow call at the doors every meal for probably 10-15 minutes, all bundled up – even with gloves (and today it was around 50 degrees). He has a hard time even opening the metal doors by himself. Coming back from chow tonight I struck up a conversation with him while walking. I asked him how long he’d been here, and was shocked to find out he’s only been here 3 or so weeks. He said they moved him here from Florida and he is so cold here. He has no idea why they moved him here. I asked how long he’d been in prison altogether, and I think he said four years. He seems so pathetic. He said he lived in Montgomery, AL before he went to prison, but was originally from Indiana (hasn’t lived there since 1961). Pray, I will be able to speak into his life. I don’t know his name. Maybe he will be open to accepting Christ, I don’t know. I doubt he knows men here, and I have no idea if he has any family.

Well, that’s about it for today, I suppose! It’s 10:50 and I just spoke to Kathie the second time today. I’m about to turn in and tonight I really wish I had a pillow. I wad up my coat and use it for a pillow. My “celly,” by the way, is a real “clean freak.” He cleaned our room for the second or third time this week. I offered to help, but he said no. He even buffs the floor (Tuesday he waxed and buffed it, as well). Oh well, time to sleep.

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