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Day 687


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 -

Satan is a master liar and deceiver and he loves to attack our emotions in an attempt to destroy our walk with the Lord and our well-being. He is extremely effective at this, and we must always be on the lookout for such an attack. This can lead to depression, great pain in our hearts, and even suicidal thoughts. He wants nothing but to demean us and isolate us both from other believers and our relationship with our Creator.

So when any emotions hit us which serve to discourage us, remove our focus, draws us away from the Lord, or depress us, it is essential we recognize from whence they come – the master deceiver! These feelings can be manifested through jealousy, feeling sorry for oneself, giving into sinful temptations, loneliness, bitterness, or anger. Isolation can then result, along with addictions and other travesties, but often believers fail to recognize them as symptoms of the devil’s plan to derail us from an abundant life and walk with the Lord. That’s why it is so essential to turn to the Lord in times like these, delving into His Word and pleading with Him to reveal areas of unforgiveness, unrepented sin, or bitterness that can ease Satan’s ability to infiltrate our minds. Recognize the devil’s attacks for what they are, and rebuke him and his demons who love to bring us down and take us out. Do not let him! For “Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.”

Brother Lawrence, the famous seventeenth-century monk, said that in order to be committed to God in the way He wants, we should pay close attention to our emotions, for they affect both our spiritual life and our more mundane activities as well. God will shed light on our emotions when we truly want to serve Him.

I’ve even met men here in prison who were believers and were attacked in this way by the devil, with it ending up as a prison sentence. The consequences can be severe and can destroy one’s life. So be aware. Jesus said, “Behold, I send you but as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

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