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Day 61


Sunday, February 3, 2019 -


Today I had a wonderful visit with Kathie and William. William was only planning to come to visit every other week, but Kathie could find no one else to drive her this weekend or Monday. She only slept 2 or 3 hours last night and was very tired and unable to help drive. It would be nice if they could spend the night before the visit here so they didn’t have to drive ten hours in one day, but it is very expensive to spend over a hundred dollars every week for a hotel. And no church in the proximity of the prison here in Ashland, after friends of ours have called all the local churches, was willing to find host families. It is a sad commentary on the church in America, which I just don’t understand, especially since Kathie and I have been constantly taking in strangers into our home – sometimes for months on end, for nearly 38 years!


I told William God would bless him for bringing his mother to see me. Jesus Himself said that in Matthew 25:34-36! And He also promised that those who visit we who are in prison will inherit the kingdom of God!


After the visit ended at 3 pm, I went to the recreation track and walked at a fast pace for 50 minutes and gained another blister on my heel.


I got to thinking, there were so many men outside since it was such a gorgeous day, how prison neutralizes everyone. Rich or poor, educated or illiterate, the powerful and influential or blue-collar – all are treated the same in spite of their crime. As a matter of fact, unless one reveals something about themselves, nobody would know the difference, other than outward appearance. There are, however, stereotypes which lead to certain conclusions. Sex offenders are not allowed to sit with non-sex offenders at “chow,” or in TV rooms, although they make up the vast majority of the white prison population here in Ashland. Other than that, all prisoners are treated the same. Nobody gets special privileges, for any reason. Each person has a $360 per month spending limit at the commissary, each person gets a 300-minute phone limit, and restrictions and privileges are the same for all. How different it must be from other countries.


*Our families have to deposit the money in an account managed by the prison to pay for the commissary items, phones, and emails.

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