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Day 12


Sunday, December 16, 2018 -

I had a very good time in the Lord this morning, reading Acts 8-12, about Paul’s conversion and the ministry of Peter. Peter just kept getting locked up in jail for proclaiming Christ. But God always sent an angel to free him. He stayed hidden pretty well. But it is a different world we live in today!

It’s interesting, in my reading yesterday, he allowed Stephen to be slain, but He constantly rescued Peter and spared him from death. The end of Acts 11 is a scripture Kathie and I have always used as an example, that when our fellow believers are suffering, it is our responsibility to help them – even if we don’t know them and they are far away. I can add to that the fact that we should do so regardless of the consequences.

Today I also tried to recall all of the miracles God has done in the life of me and my family. I am up to 28 so far!

The chapel service today was much better than last Sunday. The chaplain’s name is Highland, I think, and he’s a Methodist pastor. But today he really preached the Gospel. He spoke about Mary’s Joseph. He said God ALWAYS fulfills His promises. We all have choices and they have consequences. Often we don’t keep our promises, he said, but God always keeps His. Mary and Joseph were very young, and God seemingly gambles, even with very young people. I took some issue with this because God always knows the outcome when He chooses people to use for His purposes. It is not a “gamble.” God does not gamble.

Anyway, everything else was right on. Mary could have been stoned for having been pregnant. Scripture says Joseph was going to divorce her privately, which means he was concerned for her reputation and life. But then the angel appeared to him in a dream. God brought through Jesus a very intimate salvation. We must realize today that God is still in the habit of doing miracles. The chaplain said, “I’m not in the habit of debating God, but I’m in the business of believing in Him.” God is so invested in me He came and died for me, for my sin. Joseph didn’t care about the talk of others; he was just determined to follow God in spite of the consequences. Joseph would not say “no” to the promises of God. If I am awaiting God to fulfill a promise, I just need to hang in there. But I am not privy to know the timeline. He even used the example of God’s promise that we will be freed from our prison. In the meanwhile, while we wait, we mustn’t be afraid – because we’re expecting a miracle. WAITING IS REFINING!

I called Kathie after I came back from supper and just kind of lost it after that. Frankly, I just wanted to cry for the rest of the evening. I miss her so very much. She also put our six-month-old granddaughter on the phone with me, and Kathie said she was just looking around for me. That thrilled my heart. Then, for the last minute, I got to speak with Evelyn’s mom, our daughter Victoria, and that, too, was special for me. I couldn’t hold back the tears, and neither did she, it sounded like, and the call died (they only give us 15 minutes per call). Please pray for our two oldest children, William and Victoria, and Josiah, as it seems they especially are having a difficult time with me being incarcerated. I haven’t heard anything from the other three children yet. William is also burdened with running my business.

“J” came in around 7:30 pm, and said he was going to bed to get up a 4:30 am. That’s unusual. Normally he sleeps a good part of the day and goes to sleep around 11. So I’m in the “library” writing this. I’ll write Kathie and then read for an hour or two before turning in.

In my Bible reading this morning in Acts 12:5, it says, “So Peter was kept in prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church of God.” I know, people all over the world are praying for me right now, for my well-being, protection, and release. I definitely feel those prayers, and want to thank each one of you for your prayers. God has truly been faithful and amazing. And I am expecting the miracle of being released sooner, rather than later! But in the meanwhile, I am very, very homesick!

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