Tuesday, December 18th 2018 -
"J" kept me up talking about stuff till a few minutes after midnight, and then I had a hard time falling asleep. I woke up at 8:00AM ("J"woke me, because he had to use the bathroom) so I went and brushed my teeth and fixed a cup of coffee while he did his thing. After reading my Bible and praying, I went down and checked my email. The time ran out rather quickly though, but I was able to get an email off to Kathie. I went at noon and waited almost an hour till I got my flu shot and a hepatitis A vaccine. Today I went to the midweek meeting at the chapel there were a lot of men there. I'd guess 35 to 40 or so. They showed the second of the Max Lucado series “Out Live Your Life”, about the biblical mandate of helping the poor. The chaplain didn't lead it, nor was even in the room. It was led by an inmate who also emcee’s the Sunday meetings. He seems like the sweetest, mature Christian. I haven't met him nor know his name. He did say he's been incarcerated 13 years. He encourages constantly each person to share his faith and be a witness for the Lord. I'm very impressed with his spirit. It's interesting to read Acts now as I'm looking at it from a whole new light. Maybe it's just the fact that I have more time to contemplate, check the map, go back and reread, cross-reference, etc., which I rarely had time to do except on the Sabbath which Kathie and I for years have dedicated to reading and studying God's Word. Kathie did send me some very encouraging, awesome emails today, reminding me that God is faithful and will deliver in his own way. She has been so amazing in all this, but I know she too is hurting badly. However, she's also hurting physically. It's unreal that on Christmas will have been married thirty-seven years and seven months! I can't wait to see her. It has now been two weeks! Today I was also very happy to hear from Rebekah, my daughter, for the first time since I've been here. I've yet to hear from two out of my six children, Jonathan and Anthony.